Masaryk Parade, 2012 - we delivered a series of workshops for both Year 7 Geography & Art Classes at Whitstable Community College. We introduced the students to the political figure of T.G.M and his four-year exile which involved him traveling around
the world to gain support for the creation of the independent state of Czechoslovakia. They created individual postcards of European flags to illustrate the different countries Masaryk visited. In groups the students short-listed a series of road names and, after a period of deliberation, put them to a vote. Masaryk Parade was the chosen name to be introduced to the town of Whitstable by the Year 7 students. We organised
a presentation for the Mayor of Ricany on his first visit to Whitstable. The mayor was welcomed to Whitstable by the students creating a human flag formation. Each student held a section of the flag which, by coming together, referenced the formation of the Czech state by TGM in 1918. We then approached Canterbury City Council to propose the road name Masaryk Parade for the town of Whitstable.